Public Procurement

  • Supervise the Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) to ensure that it effectively executes its regulatory role as provided for in the enabling Act;
  • Supervise the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe to ensure that it develops Standard Procedures to guide procuring entities as well as carry out Training and Capacity building programmes for the procuring entities;
  • Monitor and ensure that public procuring entities discharge their mandate in a transparent, fair, honest, cost effective and competitive manner in compliance with the enabling legislation and dictates of the ongoing Ease of Doing Business Reforms;
  • Carry out regular consultation with stakeholders and where necessary proffer recommendations to improve procurement.

Disposal of Public Assets  

  • Monitor procuring entities to ensure that they dispose of their public assets that are unserviceable, obsolete or surplus in line with the prescribed Asset Disposal Procedures;
  • Approve recommendations by Disposal Committees for the disposing of unserviceable, obsolete or surplus public assets;
  • Examine reports from procuring entity Accounting Officers   on assets to be disposed and the method for disposal;
  • Preside over disputes pertaining to the disposal of any asset by a procuring entity.

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