Corporate Governance

  • Provide a centralised support mechanism for line Ministries with regards to the effective implementation of Public Entities Corporate Governance Act with capacity to alert Ministries to any serious deviation from the requirements of the Act so as to allow for timely intervention and corrective action to be taken by the line Ministries;
  • Supervise line Ministries to ensure that they review and align the composition and tenure of their Boards with the requirements of the enabling Act;
  • Monitor all State Entities to ensure that they work on the basis of clear Strategic Plans and Performance Management Systems that are in accordance with the dictates of good Corporate Governance practices;
  • Monitor the performance of all State Entities and recommend appropriate action where needed;
  • Monitor all State Entities to ensure that they produce Audited Financial Statements, hold Annual General Meetings and submit Annual Reports to Parliament in time;
  • Capture and store comprehensive corporate governance related data, including levels of remuneration from all SEPs and to exercise oversight with regards to compliance by all SEPs with the tenets of sound Corporate Governance;
  • Oversee compliance by Public Entities, Local Government Authorities and Independent Commissions with the Remuneration Framework, including the Conditions of Service for their Boards and Executive Management;
  • Establish and Maintain a comprehensive Directory/Database of suitably qualified candidates for appointment to Boards of Public Entities, which is accessible to all line Ministries and their Boards, as well as assist in identifying competent and qualified individuals to serve on SEP Boards;
  • Coordinate the formulation and implementation of professional development programmes for Board members and senior Management of all Public Entities, including provision of comprehensive Board Induction Programmes and Corporate Governance training programmes.

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