General functions
- Establish and operationalise an integrated State Enterprises Reform and Corporate Governance Unit in the Office of the President and Cabinet;
- Coordinate the implementation by line Ministries, Departments and Government Departments of public enterprises reforms;
- Monitor and facilitate compliance by Ministries and Public Enterprises with good Corporate Governance, Public Procurement and Asset Disposal procedures.
Specific functions
State Enterprises Reform
- Coordinate implementation of by line Ministries of the approved State Enterprises and Parastatals (SEP) reforms;
- Advise line Ministries on reform processes and procedures;
- Monitor the performance of SEPs in line with their Performance Monitoring Framework;
- Oversee compliance by line Ministries with Work Plans and Timetables for the commercialization, privatization and restructuring of SEPS;
- Undertake independent due diligence on potential strategic partners for the SEPs;
- Work in close collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, in particular, the Office of the Accountant General with regards to:
- Effective monitoring of financial, operational performance of all SEPs;
- Effective follow-up on observations raised in the Auditor General’s Annual Reports;
- Effective oversight of Cabinet agreed turn-around strategies for SEPs;
- Effective oversight of Cabinet agreed rationalization measures for the SEP sector.