
Legal Services

Provide legal counsel to the Office of the President and Cabinet on all legal issues pertaining to the day-to-day administration of the Office; Draft all Office legal documents in consultation with the Attorney General’s Office; Provide policy advice on policy initiation to pieces of legislation administered by the Office of the President and Cabinet in

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District Development Fund

Vision To become the dominant Government agency for infrastructure development in rural and related areas in the upliftment of the disadvantaged. Mission Provide and maintain sustainable rural development infrastructure, resettlement, tillage, transport and other related services so as to uplift the living standards of the disadvantaged.  Core values Professionalism Commitment Integrity Loyalty Humility Accountability DEPARTMENTS

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Special Advisor on Disability Issues

Coordinate policy formulation with mainstream Ministries, Disabled People’s Organisation (DPOs), Community Based Rehabilitation Centres (CBREs) and other stakeholders; Advocate for the Rights of Persons with Disability; Facilitate the empowerment of persons with disability; and Research and conduct surveys on disability to offer provision for rehabilitation and prevention.

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One Stop Investment Services Centre

Functions Provide a single point of contact for processing of investment proposals and issuance  of investment certificates and other associated permits/licences; Provide guidance on laws, policies, incentives, investment opportunities and trends to potential investors; Advocate for special considerations to Cabinet depending on project size and strategic importance; Proffer suggestions on any impediments to the smooth

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Presidential and National Scholarships

Functions Provide scholarships to less privileged candidates through provision of financial assistance; Establish Bilateral Agreements assisted by Foreign Affairs with countries offering scholarships to Zimbabwean students; Procure scholarships through establishment of Memorandums of Understanding with foreign countries and companies; Process bilateral scholarships as availed by Russia, Algeria, China, India, Cuba, Iran, Cyprus, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt,

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Oversee and coordinate preparation of devolution policies and plans at Central Government, Metropolitan, Provincial and Rural Authorities level; Prepare in conjunction with other Ministries and relevant bodies quarterly reports on the implementation of the devolution policy; Analyse Government policies and coordinate the formulation of policies across Government; Harmonise the policy formulation process with a view


Public Procurement

Supervise the Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) to ensure that it effectively executes its regulatory role as provided for in the enabling Act; Supervise the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe to ensure that it develops Standard Procedures to guide procuring entities as well as carry out Training and Capacity building programmes

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